Thursday, March 19, 2015



I think with teaching it can tough on teachers, if they don’t have a set lesson plan. Or have an idea of what they going to teach.  So what normally helps is when teachers are using the design and development meaning this is how teacher can create and evaluate their lesson plans. There’s 3 elements to keep in mind when trying to make instructions for classroom. There’s academic content like what to teach, there’s teaching goals and methods, and procedures like how to teach, and learning assessments knowing what the student has learned. This i will help teachers keep their goal in mind in what they want to teach in the classroom.

Flickr credit: thewomensmuseum

I am so glad Professor Coleman showed us the website RubiStar for making rubrics. It was hard making one on your own but you learn you can do it. It just takes a bit of time that’s all. But for the teachers who need to make a quick rubric this website is amazing you can it make for which ever category you need. Reading, writing, and even music. I am going to use this website when I start teaching, if I feel like I missed something in my rubric I can always go back and edit it. There won't be any hiccups or confusion from my stand point and the students. we will both be able to agree on the points that were given for the type of project that was presented.
Flickr credit:  chelseavanvickle

What I found that was fascinating was the performance assessment. It doesn’t just mean watching and scoring a student's test or paper anymore. It can refer to so many different things now. Like for example art students, there not a lot of testing going on in the classroom, but the student can be can have a performance evaluation on their portfolio, dance routine, or just using their basic knowledge in front of school judges or people that are evaluating them. This will definitely fall on me and some of my other classmates. We might have to be evaluated in the classroom in order to receive our teaching license. This is falls on students and as well as on teachers that have experienced this.

Flickr Credit:  courosa

See what my BitStrip self wants to teach <--------------- I thought it was funny haha :)


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Haynes, A. (2007). 100 ideas for lesson planning. London: Continuum.

Haynes, A. (2010). The complete guide to lesson planning and preparation. London: Continuum.

1 comment:

  1. LOL - I did laugh at your crazy comic! You should embed it - look for the code after clicking the Share icon underneath the comic. Great job on identifying and reflecting on your three topics as well - the properly attributed Creative Commons licensed photos enhance the text, too! It is so important to plan for your lessons - that said, you also have to be flexible enough to make changes and adapt as needed. Nice writing on this one. :)
