Thursday, April 30, 2015

Last Reflective Post, Final

   So welcome to my last post of the class. This semester has been my hardest to date. I don't know if it was because I had a lot going on with work, church, and homework. But yeah this semester was pretty rough. I had started out with not turning in my assignments on time, but because my professor gave me a chance I turned them in as fast as I could with the best work I could produce.
 Over this semester I feel that I learned a lot about education and mixing technology. There are so many things that we as educators can do to make the classroom a more fun and productive. Among mixing technology and a classroom together there were other experiences that I made in this class that I have never experienced before. I feel that after this post that it has made me a better person, educator, and a student.

In the beginning of the class we learned about how it is important to give credit where credit is due. This was a big part in the class I feel. Whether it was pictures, videos, or a website You always want to give credit where credit is due. At least that is how I was taught. I would put up my picture but I would forget to put where and who it came from. But after doing it almost every time it started becoming a habit and now I can not, not put where and who it came from. Doing this type of technique is great to teach and make students understand its the right thing to do but also an ethical issue, be honest.
Flickr:  hapticflapjack
Another part of the class that I really liked learning about was how to make a Delicious account, this is where I can take all the tabs I have on my home computer and carry around lap-top and just put it all on one website and anywhere there is a computer I an just log on and open up the Delicious website and everything I've saved is there for me. no more trying to figure out whether or not I have it on my phone, home computer, or my carry around laptop. I love using this, definitely saves me so much time. I'm sure my future students will like it as much as me. they will probably think "seriously where was this in my life."
Flickr: andy castro
Knowing how you want your class or project rubric to be is one thing, but actually making it and putting all the details into is another. This was pretty tough for me, I know how I wanted to "grade my future students" but making it was really hard. Because you have to make from like Poor, Good, Great, and Excellent type of grading. I was able to understand and learn to start with the Poor and Excellent and then work in between the Good and Great. But because my professor wanted us to learn the hard part first which was learning to write the rubric and understanding the process. She let us in on a little secret which was Rubistar. This website really does help a lot! It helps you choose a subject in which you need the rubric for, then it gives you different categories that you want it to be graded on like presentation, organization, spelling etc. I also lets you download it and you can pull it up as  PDF form.
Flickr: Ken Whytock
The Lesson plan was one tough assignment for me to do. It wasn't the assignment that was hard, but the overall of working with other people. I had to work with two other people. One I actually got along with because I have her in my other class, and I felt we connected on a level. But my other partner not so much. There are times when she is talking and I felt like she was trying to over shadow the professor when the professor is talking. It seemed irritating and kind of annoying. It was pretty much like my horse is bigger then your horse example. So I work during the week full time and so does my other partner. We both work in the medical field. So my 3rd partner, apparently goes to school everyday, I mean good for her cause she can do it, but when it came to understand our schedule I felt like she wasn't understanding as much. But any who, my connected partner and I had class on Saturday and after class we worked on it for 7 hours, I kid you not! I felt like we did the best on our part and for 7 hours that's a lot. Well then we share what we have with our other partner and it was pretty much a slap in the face. That we didn't do it right, we didn't follow the common core standards, and it was a lot for me to handle. It was pretty much insulting to me and my partner. So we decided to meet on Sunday and just finish it. It was hard sitting there and having to hear our 3rd partner trying to be a "show-off" or saying inappropriate comments. But 6 hours later and we were done! I just wanted it to be over with because I couldn't handle that type of pressure working with her. I'm normally a really nice person, don't like fighting, or making rude comments but when people push others will definitely shove back you know?
Flickr credit:  deeplifequotes
My suggestion for this class would be to keep it the way it is. I don't think there were any negtives for me to change about this class. It was a small and I liked it that way, so that way if I had a question I didn't have to wait behind like 10 other people. It was fast and right to the point. At least that's the way I see it.

Overall when I first walked in this class, I had assumed it was going to be easy. But I was definitely wrong. My professor was a bit tougher then most. She actually expected assignments from you and to learn them and use them in the classroom. She definitely had me working over-time during my lunch at work or when I had any free time to make my projects better then they were. I liked how she listen to my suggestions and then help me tweak them. The passion she has, she has been a professor for a lot of years and I hope I can still be like that when I teach my classrooms. Overall it was a great class to take, I would suggest it to anyone who wants to better themselves as an educator.
Flickr: colinaut

Resources used:


Maloy, R., O’Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., & Woolf, B. (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.

Thursday, April 16, 2015



    I definitely think it’s very important for teachers to understand how the technology works in the classroom. If you don't know or understand how things work in the classroom, I would feel that the students would not care about what you are going to teach them. I remember when I was in the 4th grade, we a substitute named Mr.Southerland. He was a teacher for about 20 years and they had “retired” but remained as a substitute teacher. But then we had the projectors that would a cart and you had to use clear “paper” for the image to come up. So then, it was really cold and everyone was getting sick so then my teacher got the flu, and we had Mr.Southerland as a sub. I remember him having to struggle to turn on the machine. Just turning it on. Then trying to get the image to come up on the screen behind, it was just a struggle for him. As young as I was I remember. I didn’t laugh. I just thought it was odd for him not knowing how to use. But as the years went by I didn’t have him as a sub anymore. But Junior year comes around and guess who is sitting in my AP American History class. Yeah Mr.Southerland. When I saw him, I was just praying he knew what he was doing, some of those kids were brats and rude. So I’m hoping for the best. Man did that man prove my class and myself wrong. He was working on the computer, using the new type of projector, and the ipad. I really do feel that it makes a difference if the teacher knows what they are doing. It’ll intrigue the students mind.
Flickr credit: Ian Shane
    You can definitely use technology for reward or as a punishment. I see it both ways. When little elementary students do their work, work quietly, and do what they are suppose to do. They are rewarded with computer time, when I was a kid I used to love this because I knew if I had done well on my spelling test, I did all my work, and on time I was allowed to use the computer for like 30mins before lunch. I thought I was awesome. But then there were times where I wasn’t as awesome as I could be. If I got in trouble (over small things), forgot to turn in my homework, or didn’t do well in rotation. I was not allowed to even look at the computer, punishment was meant to be punishment. I feel like teachers can use that to their advantage.
Flickr credit: cliff1066™

Flickr credit: Kanih

 Using digital textbooks in the classroom is a great way of using technology in the classroom. Being able to use this device and involving the students I would feel that it would  create more images in their head and have a better understanding of the concept, on the pages of the e-Books. When I see things like the e-books of leap frog or using the iPads it makes me wonder if it was really interesting and I had a child I was babysitting at the time they were wanting me to read with them( read with them!) I was shocked because this child was able to read along with iPad. the pages literally came to life, it creates these images in your mind and you're able to connect the words to the pictures.
Flickr credit: Paul Stainthorp   

 Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Polanka, S. (2011). No shelf required e-books in libraries. Chicago: American Library Association. 

Sunday, April 5, 2015



When I think of bookmarking, I immediately thought of delicious. is a website my professor gave us in the beginning of the class, It is a “ife-saving” website. What it is essentially, is a website where you can add all these “bookmarks” of website. You can open it from any computer. Whether you’re on your personal computer, your home computer or even when you're at the public library. It has all the websites you’ve saved on delicious, so no more looking on your computer and and another computer not being able to find something. This has been very helpful to me. When I’m at work and during my lunchtime I will do my work on the main computer and all I have to do is open my delicious tab and I have everything I need. I don’t have to wait and use the main computer at my house, I can use my ipad or laptop or even my phone and it still works perfectly.

Flickr credit : andy castro 

So in class we are going to make a webquest. What a webquest is an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all the information that learners work with comes from the web. These can be created using various programs, including a simple word processing document that includes links to websites. I just learned what it is, I don’t think I’ve used it before. We saw it in class and I think it’s an amazing program for teachers or students to look and see the different ideas of other teachers or students have come up with. We are actually going to do this in class as an assignment. But it’s mind blowing to see so many pages for different subjects. I really liked the social studies page and I was reading into about Greek mythology and stories very interesting. I might just do mine on that since it’s something I really like and am very passionate about.
Flickr Credit: giopuo

Video conferencing is a great tool to have with teachers and students. I did use this tool for my computer class when I was starting out college. My professor believed in this so much that for every time we submitted an assignment we had to take a video of ourselves and talk about how the assignment works in our day to day life, otherwise you got a big chunk of your grade taken off. I didn’t play with my professor about that. But it is definitely was a good tool to have, we could communicate with the professor, she did have class on Naples and Fort Myers campus. I feel like the students can use it too. They can use for working on projects or if they have classmates that live in a different campus or city.
Flickr credit:  superkimbo

Since we are doing a web-quest in class, I've decided I'm going to mine about Greek Mythology since I really love reading about things like that. So I created a Kahoot about it. Face the Gods and Goddesses and test your knowledge.

Resources :
Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
 Thombs, M., & Gillis, M. (2009). Using webquests in the social studies classroom a culturally responsive approach. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin Press.

Gillispie, M. (2013). From Notepad to iPad Using Apps and Web Tools to Engage a New Generation of Students. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis.  

Thursday, March 26, 2015



I definitely think it’s a good idea for students who want to become teachers to have a teacher assessment.  This will allow “supervisors” to assess you on how well you work with students, the environment you're in, and your overall performance. You will still have to go through writing assignments, self-assessments, and observations. It will be hard going through this process thinking, “why do I have to do?” If you really if think about it you don’t do as well your first ( and I’m sure you’ll do great but maybe your nervousness gets the best of you) and you can learn from your mistakes and possibly improve on them. I’m pretty sure the day I have to go through this process I might not be surprised that I would have to do it possibly more time. I’m sure my anxiety will get the best of me. But all in all it’s a learning experience for all of us and I believe that it will do more good than harm if you really think about it.

Flickr credit:  sweenpole2001

A digital teaching portfolio is a great idea! This is the best way for teachers to stay organized about past materials they've used and it’s all convenient for them because it’s online. This is including video, power-points, even papers. I don’t have my portfolio anymore I lost it in high school, but when I was taking education for students, starting as freshmen in school, it definitely helped when I got to be a junior and I was graduating from the program I had looked back on all the projects we had used. The ones that worked and ones that didn't worked. My final project as a Junior was a huge percentage for an overall grade and how well I did in the program so having my past materials was such a big help to me. I was able to study and get a really nice grade for everything I had done. I’m pretty sure I was not the only one because there were 6 other periods of this class every day of every week. You had to sometimes be clever in your teachings if you wanted to stand out. But thank goodness my teacher gave us the best advice for making our portfolio.

Flicker credit:  tengrrl

I am the type of person that I like writing reflections on my day, like what’s going on during the day, how I’m feeling about certain situations. I feel if you don’t take the time to reflect on your experiences you don’t really “learn” from them. You live and you learn that's how I see it at least. I think this is a great opportunity for teachers and students to reflect on their school and teaching experiences. I remember when I was in high school I used to think on how I did things for certain classes, and looking back I think “wow I could have done this or that better.” I happens to the best of us. This can make you a better student or future teacher. You can take all this experiences and use them to make yourself as a student better or make your classroom a better experience and possibly have a good cycle running because of that.

Flickr credit:  ch.weidinger

My cartoon self is having a meltdown... will I survive and face my peers or just run.
(my money is on running, just saying haha :D )


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Kidd, W., & Czerniawski, G. (2010). Successful teaching 14-19 theory, practice, and reflection. Los Angeles: Sage.

Thursday, March 19, 2015



I think with teaching it can tough on teachers, if they don’t have a set lesson plan. Or have an idea of what they going to teach.  So what normally helps is when teachers are using the design and development meaning this is how teacher can create and evaluate their lesson plans. There’s 3 elements to keep in mind when trying to make instructions for classroom. There’s academic content like what to teach, there’s teaching goals and methods, and procedures like how to teach, and learning assessments knowing what the student has learned. This i will help teachers keep their goal in mind in what they want to teach in the classroom.

Flickr credit: thewomensmuseum

I am so glad Professor Coleman showed us the website RubiStar for making rubrics. It was hard making one on your own but you learn you can do it. It just takes a bit of time that’s all. But for the teachers who need to make a quick rubric this website is amazing you can it make for which ever category you need. Reading, writing, and even music. I am going to use this website when I start teaching, if I feel like I missed something in my rubric I can always go back and edit it. There won't be any hiccups or confusion from my stand point and the students. we will both be able to agree on the points that were given for the type of project that was presented.
Flickr credit:  chelseavanvickle

What I found that was fascinating was the performance assessment. It doesn’t just mean watching and scoring a student's test or paper anymore. It can refer to so many different things now. Like for example art students, there not a lot of testing going on in the classroom, but the student can be can have a performance evaluation on their portfolio, dance routine, or just using their basic knowledge in front of school judges or people that are evaluating them. This will definitely fall on me and some of my other classmates. We might have to be evaluated in the classroom in order to receive our teaching license. This is falls on students and as well as on teachers that have experienced this.

Flickr Credit:  courosa

See what my BitStrip self wants to teach <--------------- I thought it was funny haha :)


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Haynes, A. (2007). 100 ideas for lesson planning. London: Continuum.

Haynes, A. (2010). The complete guide to lesson planning and preparation. London: Continuum.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015



When it comes to grabbing the attention of students, I feel like there are so many resources to create this. The 1st that I think of is using PowerPoint. PowerPoint is a type of software that lets you design electronic presentations having a series of pages and slides. Here teachers can get really creative with their slideshows. They can add audio, pictures, even videos. This is usually done with an overhead-projection and a type of transparency sometimes with a slide show with slide. Students and teachers can get really creative with PowerPoint. There is no “wrong” way of using this software. You’ll see that no two PowerPoints are the same. I really liked (and still do use) this program. I can go as extreme with my colors and  font as I want or I can just stay as conservative as I want.

Flickr Credit: garethjmsaunders

When I was in the 4th grade I remember my teacher having a digital projector over-head, I thought that was the coolest thing I had ever seen. I felt like my teacher had the privilege of using that  type of machine in the classroom or she won some kind of raffle to use. I’m super weird but yeah I thought that. But anyways I had learned a lot from that cool looking overhead. From reading and learning how to write a proper paper for the FCAT prompt, understanding math lessons, and just having the teacher explain things on the overhead. It helped a lot. I was able to understand math less because the teacher was doing it step by step and I was able to see it for myself. When the teacher was going over the prompts you can see the type of writing people would write and you can see the examples of what was a good prompt and a bad one, it was actually nice to see the right and wrong on writing prompts.

Flickr credit : Nesster

I want to say I didn’t start using this format of technology til I started college. The iPodcast. This has come such a long way from where the ipod started. I was having such hard time with learning science class like Biology or Chemistry, and the funny thing was I love science. Learning the chemicals, mixture of formulas, and the overall of fascination of it. But I had a tough time with it, the teacher would help but I felt like how they were explaining it I couldn't understand it. So I decided I my iPod and it came with this free app already built in it and you can download lectures and videos. It was such a helpful app that I still use it till today and I recommend it to others to use. If there is a way for others to explain it differently this is the way to go. I use it now for listening to my favorite authors lectures or people that have weekend talk shows. Teachers can use this type of technology for their students and have this provided for students. Maybe one students can find it helpful even if another doesn't understand the material.

Flickr credit:  ~kate~

Flickr Credit:  The Daring Librarian

¿Quieres jugar un juego? Entonces, por favor haga clic en y poner a prueba sus conocimientos .

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Blog Post #G Chapter 8

Blog Post #G is for Chapter 8

When I was in high school, I had decided to go to summer school but not because I was behind in classes but because I wanted to stay ahead of the game. I had always had a tough time with math, I decided that summer (which was May and June) I was going to take extra math classes and have a tutor. In my classroom, because there was a lot students the teacher couldn't get to all of us would do something similar to a "pencast." It is pretty much a "digital version" of the your notes and has audio. Making it somehow like you where there again re-acting the lesson. This would really help because sometime getting home and having a snack and maybe a nap and when I wake up I would forget how my teacher would do the assignment but I had my pencast on my computer and I would remember how to do it again. This was really helpful not only to me but to other students.

Flickr Credit given to: The Daring Liberian 
Wanna check out a pencast <-------- Click me! ( YouTube Credit is given to Greg Summer)

I really like the idea of teachers sharing information through social media nowadays . If you really think about it, how many parents still go through the child's backpack now? Unless there is a sticker on the child's shirt saying "don't forget tomorrow is picture day," or something like that. Parents have a lot on their mind. But because the world now runs on texting, emailing, or just getting on Facebook, teachers should use this to their advantage and possibly create a Facebook, and have parents check it for any important dates like picture day, the Christmas party or not forgetting there is practice even though it's raining. You know something like this could help a lot of parents stay ahead of the game. I'm pretty sure if I was a parent this would really helpful because kids will throw their backpacks and parents would not think twice to check it and see if they have report cards or their practice schedule.

Flickr credit given : melenita2012

 When I got to college I didn't need to take my sciences till I was a sophomore. I had to take biology and chemistry at the same. ( I know worst mistake ever) But anyway, my professors knew that these subjects were hard for students and the fact that everyone learns differently too. But they did ask feedback from their students and the students did tell the professors that way that the majority learned was watching tutorials on YouTube about certain subjects, but the majority were on science classes. so my professor did have their own YouTube videos about the material we had learned in class. This really helped me and other students because we could watch it over and over again until it stuck in our mind, I know it did for me. I also liked that sometimes they would have students on their YouTube videos sometimes teaching some material, I felt related to that person and for some reason it made sense. 

Flicker credit to: NASA Goddard Photo and Video

Think you're Social Media savy.... well test it out !

Flickr credit:  IDI at NTNU


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Mandiberg, M. (2012). The social media reader. New York: New York University Press.

Social Media. (n.d.). Retrieved February 24, 2015, from