Sunday, April 5, 2015



When I think of bookmarking, I immediately thought of delicious. is a website my professor gave us in the beginning of the class, It is a “ife-saving” website. What it is essentially, is a website where you can add all these “bookmarks” of website. You can open it from any computer. Whether you’re on your personal computer, your home computer or even when you're at the public library. It has all the websites you’ve saved on delicious, so no more looking on your computer and and another computer not being able to find something. This has been very helpful to me. When I’m at work and during my lunchtime I will do my work on the main computer and all I have to do is open my delicious tab and I have everything I need. I don’t have to wait and use the main computer at my house, I can use my ipad or laptop or even my phone and it still works perfectly.

Flickr credit : andy castro 

So in class we are going to make a webquest. What a webquest is an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all the information that learners work with comes from the web. These can be created using various programs, including a simple word processing document that includes links to websites. I just learned what it is, I don’t think I’ve used it before. We saw it in class and I think it’s an amazing program for teachers or students to look and see the different ideas of other teachers or students have come up with. We are actually going to do this in class as an assignment. But it’s mind blowing to see so many pages for different subjects. I really liked the social studies page and I was reading into about Greek mythology and stories very interesting. I might just do mine on that since it’s something I really like and am very passionate about.
Flickr Credit: giopuo

Video conferencing is a great tool to have with teachers and students. I did use this tool for my computer class when I was starting out college. My professor believed in this so much that for every time we submitted an assignment we had to take a video of ourselves and talk about how the assignment works in our day to day life, otherwise you got a big chunk of your grade taken off. I didn’t play with my professor about that. But it is definitely was a good tool to have, we could communicate with the professor, she did have class on Naples and Fort Myers campus. I feel like the students can use it too. They can use for working on projects or if they have classmates that live in a different campus or city.
Flickr credit:  superkimbo

Since we are doing a web-quest in class, I've decided I'm going to mine about Greek Mythology since I really love reading about things like that. So I created a Kahoot about it. Face the Gods and Goddesses and test your knowledge.

Resources :
Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.
 Thombs, M., & Gillis, M. (2009). Using webquests in the social studies classroom a culturally responsive approach. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin Press.

Gillispie, M. (2013). From Notepad to iPad Using Apps and Web Tools to Engage a New Generation of Students. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis.  

1 comment:

  1. Great job on reflecting (positively!) on delicious - it is a fabulous tool and one that you will continue to build upon over the course of your college and teaching career. Also like all of your Creative Commons licensed photos to enhance your text. The WebQuest concept is such a great one and with a built-in template, there is less hassle to create them, but their primary power is in the inquiry-driven, web-based challenge. :)
